How does a GSM alarm help you avoid unnecessary costs and call outs?
Unmonitored and unmaintained Interceptors can be costly and disruptive, but by installing GSM alarms in your separator alarm units, you will know exactly when you will need assistance to fix, empty, or check up on your Interceptors, avoiding unnecessary call outs. Express Solutions Group is a registered and certified operator with years of experience. Our experts offer a comprehensive, PPG3 compliant service for the installation and servicing of your system. We also offer you a fully managed service as solution providers who understand your business needs and the importance of avoiding disruption. Our engineers will fit your interceptors and alarms and come up with a plan of action to protect your business from environmental agency fines and disciplinary action. We’ll also be on call whenever your alarm alerts us, and you that your system needs attention.

How your Interceptor alarm Unit and GSM system work together
Your separator alarm configures exactly which probe has found anomalies in your system. These signals are then sent through to the GSM alarm unit, which triggers a text message or e-mail notification that goes to 5 pre-defined contacts. These contacts can then notify our engineer to come and check your interceptor.
Your separator alarm unit self-tests every 30 minutes, day and night. It takes ten minutes for a message to be sent to the alarm’s contacts after an issue has been identified. Through experience and product testing we have found that the only possible drawback of using this system to monitor your interceptor is if your GSM unit has a lack of signal in remote locations. We have tackled this by installing High Gain antennas when needed. This extends your network strength and makes your GSM even more reliable.
A useful feature of this devise is its remote systems control; if for any reason your emergency contacts need to be changed, this can be done remotely at any time, saving you the hassle of having to visit your site.
Three types of probe
Express Solutions fit and programme your separator alarms to recognise if levels of pollutants contained in your interceptor tanks are high, or if there are any faults that have occurred within the system. This is important because; if contaminant levels reach maximum capacities or higher, there is a risk of pollution spilling over and contaminating your property, which can be dangerous for many reasons including it being harmful for your workforce.
Your GSM alarm is connected to up to three different types of probes; these are located within the interceptor tank itself. One is to detect high levels of oil within the chamber, one to detect high levels of sludge and the third sets off an alarm in the separator unit itself and is to detect high levels of any liquid or solid within the chamber.
How is my alarm powered?
There are several options that we can provide clients with to power their separator alarm units, depending on what works best for their budget, location and property needs. All options can be installed with minimum disruption to your business and require no digging and therefore reduced installation costs. Our units can be powered by battery, mains connections or solar power. Our solar panel units are particularly self-reliant and can be installed far away from the business premises.
Why call Express Solutions Group?
Express Solutions Group can fully manage your emergency systems. As well as fitting and maintaining your interceptor and alarm systems we can:
- Conduct in-depth services surveys
- Manage waste disposal and cleaning
- Maintain emergency interceptor documentation
- Remove surface water during installation and emergency situations
- Install specialist components tailored to your business
- Assist you 24-7 using a remote login system